Equine Dentist Dorit Brown

How can I tell my horse has dental issues?

Horses suffer in silence – Watch your horse!

Most importantly - keep up with your horse`s dental checkups. Only a well educated specialist can do a good exam and diagnose if a treatment is needed.
In-between checkups you can always watch out for signs of dental issues your horse will show.

At the stable / pasture your horse may:

  • show an atypical or strange chewing habit you haven´t seen on him before
  • lose weight or need more feed than usual to keep the weight
  • drop feed while chewing, chew slower than normal or avoid certain feed
  • show a dull coat
  • be prone to colic
  • have larger amounts of non chewed feed in their poo
  • often be in a bad mood
  • bite or scratch his teeth on wood or metal
  • have visible sores inside his mouth (tongue, gums, skin)
  • exhale a foul odor out of mouth or nostrils
  • be very sensitive around the neck

While riding your horse may:

  • act up when bridling or riding (often just on one side)
  • show discomfort with the bit / bridle or when someone touches its head
  • cutback in performance
  • lose softness when ridden due to tension in the jaw / -neck muscular system
  • hold his mouth open while riding or push its tongue out
  • work against the bit
  • have trouble bending
  • take off running for no obvious reason